Here are the co-benefits associated with interventions in waterbodies and drainage systems
Green - Evidence of high effectiveness of nature-based solutions is based on specific research and/or inferred from active case study analysis across the Mediterranean, indicating that this nature-based solution type can lead to the identified social, environmental and/or ecological co-benefits.
Amber - Evidence of effectiveness of nature-based solutions to address the problem you have identified is not as strong and/or is inferred from a low number of active case study analysis across the Mediterranean, so more research is needed to build up the evidence base on the association between this nature-based solution type and the identified co-benefits.
Red - Evidence of effectiveness of nature-based solutions to address the problem you have identified is either low and/or there are few or no case studies in the ReNature compendium that that support the use of this nature-based solution type for the identified co-benefits across the Mediterranean, indicating an urgent need for more research to determine the association between nature-based solution type and the potential co-benefits.