
Renaturing: Why bringing back the green can solve urban problems (video in Maltese)

Bringing nature back to our towns through innovative infrastructures like green walls, green roofs, water retention ponds and the planting of trees can help us solve everyday problems ranging from heavy flooding to high temperatures, while also restoring community ties and mental well-being. 

ReNature project coordinator and senior lecturer at the Institute of Applied Sciences of the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) Mario Balzan explains the benefits of nature-based solutions and what the next steps towards green future are. 



ReNature featured in a Horizon2020 video

This video presents Maltese researchers who successfully participate in projects funded under the H2020 EU framework programme for research and innovation. It features information about the horizontal actions of the programme as well as interviews with Maltese participants that have benefited from it. 


This video present the most significant achievements of ReNature during 2020.


ReNature Webinars

The ReNature Nature Based Solutions Webinar

ReNature Training Course 5 Day 1: Nature-based solutions and the science-policy interface

ReNature Training Course 5 Day 2: Nature-based solutions and the science-policy interface

ReNature Training Course 5 Day 3: Nature-based solutions and the science-policy interface