The ReNature Nature-Based Solutions Compendium
The ReNature Nature-based Solutions Compendium and Toolkit contain data on case-studies of nature-based solutions and provide recommendations for choosing the right nature-based solutions based on evidence of their effectiveness.
The ReNature Compendium is open for use by everyone, especially policymakers, designers, planners, and citizens, who want to identify the nature-based solutions that are in place in Malta and the Mediterranean climate.
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Use the ReNature Toolkit to identify nature-based solutions to tackle specific societal challenges experienced in your city and to identify co-benefits associated with each nature-based solution type.
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Displaying 57 matching elements
Providing nature-based recreation, tourism and access to cultural heritage whilst protecting and conserving natural heritage.
Providing nature-based recreation, tourism and access to cultural heritage whilst protecting and conserving natural heritage. An ecological restoration project is taking place below Manikata in an attempt to reverse the widespread damage and disturbance caused by years of illegal dumping. Native trees, shrubs and smaller plants are being planted and taken care of in the area after an extensive cleaning effort. Over 1300 plants were planted including: Olives, Sandarac Gum Tree, Evergreen oak, Carob, Lentisk, Wolfbane, Myrtle, Rockrose, Golden Samphire. Protect a number of historical and archaeological sites. The park aims to provide a space to encourage an active lifestyle while becoming aware of the natural heritage of the area. Educational school visits are held during the cooler months while summer sees more of a focus on the coast with guided snorkelling sessions offered at the beautiful sandy beach of Golden Bay which has been designated as Beach of Quality according to international Blue Flag criteria. (Il-Majjistral, 2019).
Providing forage for honey bees and sustainable management of surface water
Provision of wildflower for pollinators and wild bees and honey bees, and for the production of honey. Water falling within the premises is also directed to watercourses valleys and/or reservoirs that recharge the groundwater bodies.
Providing forage for honey bees and sustainable management of surface water
Provision of wildflower for pollinators and wild bees and honey bees, and for the production of honey. Water falling within the premises is also directed to watercourses valleys and/or reservoirs that recharge the groundwater bodies.
A community-driven afforestation project
A total of 1038 shrubs and trees have been planted throughout the Island, and activities have been organised to help combat the spread of invasive alien species, and Educational activities were held around the Islands, including visits to schools to educate children on related environmental issues. Seeds of indigenous flora are being collected in order to assemble a gene bank, and all extra seeds distributed free of charge to members. A nursery has been set up containing more than 1,000 saplings spanning over 30 species, as well as an apiary on a specially chosen site. (The Grow 10 Trees Project, (s.a.).
Reforestation at is-Salina Nature Reserve
Reforestation and habitat restoration project carried out at is-Salina.
Reforestation at is-Salina Nature Reserve
Reforestation and habitat restoration project carried out at is-Salina.
Introduction of rare species to Wied il-Għasel
Introduction of rare tree species to Wied il-Għasel.
Reforestation of the Mizieb Woodland
Reforestation of the Mizieb Woodland
Reforestation of L-Aħrax tal-Mellieħa Woodland
Reforestation of L-Aħrax tal-Mellieħa Woodland
Increasing biodiverity in Wied Musa through the planting of indigenous trees and shrubs
Increasing biodiversity in the Wied Musa valley through the planting of indigenous trees and shrubs.
Increasing biodiverity in Wied Musa through the planting of indigenous trees and shrubs
Increasing biodiverity in the Wied Musa valley through the planting of indigenous trees and shrubs.
LIFE+ Life Saving Buskett: Ecological restoration of valley watercourse and other habitats at Buskett
Removal of alien species that are competing with native species; planting of new trees characteristic of the targeted habitats; the introduction of soil stabilisation measures; restoration of footpaths to reduce damage from random trampling by visitors; the retaining walls and arched buttresses along the watercourse have been repaired, restored and/or rebuilt; selective removal of silt and boulders from parts of the watercourse that are affecting negatively the targeted habitats. (The Life Saving Buskett, 2018).
LIFE+ Life Saving Buskett: Ecological restoration of valley watercourse and other habitats at Buskett
Removal of alien species that are competing with native species; planting of new trees characteristic of the targeted habitats; the introduction of soil stabilisation measures; restoration of footpaths to reduce damage from random trampling by visitors; the retaining walls and arched buttresses along the watercourse have been repaired, restored and/or rebuilt; selective removal of silt and boulders from parts of the watercourse that are affecting negatively the targeted habitats. (The Life Saving Buskett, 2018).
LIFE+ Life Saving Buskett: Ecological restoration of valley watercourse and other habitats at Buskett
Removal of alien species that are competing with native species; planting of new trees characteristic of the targeted habitats; the introduction of soil stabilisation measures; restoration of footpaths to reduce damage from random trampling by visitors; the retaining walls and arched buttresses along the watercourse have been repaired, restored and/or rebuilt; selective removal of silt and boulders from parts of the watercourse that are affecting negatively the targeted habitats. (The Life Saving Buskett, 2018).
LIFE+ Life Saving Buskett: Ecological restoration of valley watercourse and other habitats at Buskett
Removal of alien species that are competing with native species; planting of new trees characteristic of the targeted habitats; the introduction of soil stabilisation measures; restoration of footpaths to reduce damage from random trampling by visitors; the retaining walls and arched buttresses along the watercourse have been repaired, restored and/or rebuilt; selective removal of silt and boulders from parts of the watercourse that are affecting negatively the targeted habitats. (The Life Saving Buskett, 2018).
Planting of a variety of trees and shrubs at the Marsascala Family Park and the Xrobb l-Għaġin Nature Park
The Sant'Antnin Family Park is intended as a leisure area for both local and foreign visitors. In addition to the recreational park, works have also included the restoration of St. Anthony’s Chapel and the construction of a visitor centre, which serves as an education centre on waste management. Visitors can observe, interact and take pictures of our animals at their leisure. In addition, depending on the season, one might also have a glimpse of newborns huddled against their mothers. Our pens include: pygmy goats, sheep, goats, a llama, chickens and a horse. (Ambjent Malta, (s.a.).
Planting of a variety of trees and shrubs at the Marsascala Family Park and the Xrobb l-Għaġin Nature Park
The Sant'Antnin Family Park is intended as a leisure area for both local and foreign visitors. In addition to the recreational park, works have also included the restoration of St. Anthony’s Chapel and the construction of a visitor centre, which serves as an education centre on waste management. Visitors can observe, interact and take pictures of our animals at their leisure. In addition, depending on the season, one might also have a glimpse of newborns huddled against their mothers. Our pens include: pygmy goats, sheep, goats, a llama, chickens and a horse. (Ambjent Malta, (s.a.).
Habitat restoration and removal of invasive alien species at Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq
Habitat restoration and removal of invasive alien species at Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq.
Habitat restoration and removal of invasive alien species at Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq
Habitat restoration and removal of invasive alien species at Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq
Ecological restoration at Wied Blandun
Ecological restoration at Wied Blandun
Ecological restoration at Wied Blandun
Ecological restoration at Wied Blandun
Ecological restoration of abandoned land in the Swatar urban area
Ecological restoration of abandoned land in an urban area in Swatar. More than 230 shrubs from a total of 8 species were planted during this restoration project.
Ecological restoration of abandoned land in the Swatar urban area
Ecological restoration of abandoned land in an urban area in Swatar. More than 230 shrubs from a total of 8 species were planted during this restoration project.
Ecological restoration of Wied Ħesri
Habitat restoration of the valley banks, removal of litter, removal of invasive alien species and planting of indigenous riparian trees and shrubs. A total of nearly 600 shrubs and 3 species were planted within the valley during this restoration project.
Ecological restoration of Wied iċ-Ċawsli
Habitat restoration of the valley banks, removal of litter, removal of invasive alien species and planting of indigenous riparian trees and shrubs. A total of around 400 shrubs and 6 species were planted within the valley during this restoration project.
Ecological restoration of Wied il-Kbir.
Habitat restoration of the valley banks, removal of litter, removal of invasive alien species and planting of indigenous riparian trees and shrubs. A total of 200 shrubs and 4 species were planted within the valley during this restoration project.
Habitat restoration of maquis and woodland habitats in Comino
This project aims to carry out habitat restoration of specific sites located in the central west part of the island of Comino. The sites restored have a total area of 5,600 m2 and cover a distance of 1,759 m. Around 4,500 trees and shrubs are expected to be planted depending on the terrain but planting is only taking place in abandoned fields and trampled areas (ERA, 2019).
Habitat restoration of maquis and woodland habitats in Comino
This project aims to carry out habitat restoration of specific sites located in the central west part of the island of Comino. The sites restored have a total area of 5,600 m2 and cover a distance of 1,759 m. Around 4,500 trees and shrubs are expected to be planted depending on the terrain but planting is only taking place in abandone fields and trampled areas (ERA, 2019).
Removal of invasive alien species and planting of indigenous trees and shrubs at Zonqor Point
Removal of invasive alien species and planting of indigenous trees and shrubs at Zonqor Point
Removal of invasive alien species and planting of indigenous trees and shrubs at Zonqor Point
Removal of invasive alien spcies and planting of indigenous trees and shrubs at Zonqor Point
Removal of invasive alien species and habitat restoration of the area surrounding Fort Madliena
Removal of invasive alien species and planting of indigenous trees and shrubs
Removal of invasive alien species and habitat restoration of the area surrounding Fort Madliena
Removal of invasive alien species and planting of indigenous trees and shrubs.
Habitat restoration and planting of indigenous trees and shrubs at Marsaxlokk
Habitat restoration and planting of indigenous trees and shrubs at Marsaxlokk
Habitat restoration and planting of indigenous trees and shrubs at Marsaxlokk
Habitat restoration and planting of indigenous trees and shrubs at Marsaxlokk
Soft landscaping of soft areas at Ggantija Temples in Gozo
Soft landscaping of soft areas at Ggantija Temples in Gozo
Planting of trees and shrubs in rural areas
Planting of trees and shrubs in rural areas
Comino - Habitat restoration of specific sites on the island
Habitat restoration of specific sites on the island
Buskett - Habitat restoration of specific sites via the planting of indignous trees and shrub
Habitat restoration of specific sites via the planting of indigenous trees and shrub
Buskett - Habitat restoration of specific sites via the planting of indignous trees and shrub
Habitat restoration of specific sites via the planting of indigenous trees and shrub
Buskett - Habitat restoration of specific sites via the planting of indignous trees and shrub
Habitat restoration of specific sites via the planting of indigenous trees and shrub
Majjistral Nature and Heritage Park - Habitat restoration of specific sites via the planting of indignous trees and shrub
Habitat restoration of specific sites via the planting of indigenous trees and shrub
Inwadar Park - Habitat restoration of site at Golf il-Kbir
Habitat restoration, removal of litter, removal of invasive alien species and planting of indigenous riparian trees and shrubs.
The Paris greening programme
Getting the city ready for the hazards of climate change by supplying a consistent urban green infrastructure and ameliorating access to and use of natural spaces for the well‐being of citizens: • Planting of vegetation as a feature of all new constructions; • planting of vegetation in 100 additional hectares of facades and roofs in Paris, 1/3 of which may be used for the production of fruit and vegetables; • 30 hectares of new green spaces in Paris; • 20,000 additional trees in Paris; • 200 local areas to be planted as part of the Paris Biodiversity Plan: • Studying and defining the green and blue infrastructure framework approved by the Grenelle process; • Strengthening the green network and its function as an ecological corridor. (IUCN, 2019).
Wise water management in Mediterranean marshes
Using a water volume simulator "Mar-O-Sel", in the context of the ecosystem-based management aimed at keeping marshes healthy by following natural cycles as much as possible in order to ensure their resilience while enabling shared and sustainable use of resources. Mar-O-Sel is an Open Internet Access interface tool designed to promote sustainable water management by multiple users of Mediterranean marshes. This simulator calculates the volumes of water needed to reach a desired water level during the different months of the year, based on past, present, and future climatic conditions. The tool also allows users to visualise the impact of different water management approaches on the evolution of groundwater and surface water salinity, as well as the growth of emerging and submerged vegetation in marshes. Consultation among stakeholders to determine water levels in marshes for productive activities is a complex but essential operation, which enables stakeholders to share the same territory and ensure that their activities are compatible. When marsh stakeholders use a water volume simulator, such as Mar-O-Sel, they can agree on a variety of activities while protecting water and ecosystems. (Tour du Valat, 2020).
Tourtoulen Riverine Woodland
Passive restoration of the riparian woodland; ecosystem-based management aiming to support the restoration of the riparian zone and monitor its good health (e.g. diversity in species composition) to ensure its long-term resilience; monitoring of the forest structure (Tour du Valat, 2020).
Trees Master Plan
The creation of a network of trees as a green infrastructure as part of the Trees Master Plan. The plan has the overall objective of maintaining a well-managed, thriving and biodiverse woodland to enhance green corridors and deal with the urban heat island effect. (IUCN, 2019). As an illustration, some examples are provided below on theway the challenge of climate change is currently being addressed through the actions envisaged in the Barcelona Trees Master Plan: • Species are selected for their suitability to the environmental conditions and resilience when faced with water and heat stress. Moreover, the city’s aim is not to allow trees of any one species to exceed 15% of the total of street trees in Barcelona. The logic behind this approach, which is being implemented gradually, is to avoid problems of vulnerability to pests and diseases inherent in mono-specific populations. The trees selected are preferably native species that are the most resistant to pests and diseases and best adapted to the low availability of water. When needed, pest control is mainly carried out using biological means. • A limiting factor for street trees is that they usually have very little space in the ground for the roots, and are planted compact soil with little structure and scarce organic ma
The integration of the Urban Biodiversity Plan adding Value to the City Green Areas, so citizens can enjoy/respect them. Moreover, the project should aid in increasing awareness of the relevance and added value of autochthonous species. Thus, sensitising, educating and involving citizens and local stakeholders through strong leadership is among the principal objectives to be achieved. As a consequence, a holistic strategy (P2GREeN) addressing the need to promote biodiversity in the city context, was developed. (URBACT, 2019).
CO-producing Nature-based solutions and restored Ecosystems: transdisciplinary neXus for Urban Sustainability
Creation of Life-Labs at the city level where green infrastructure strategies, biodiversity and renaturing plans are tested as well as NBT methods and their potential for biodiversity and ecosystem service provisioning. The project combines NBT for sustainable urbanisation, using place-making, place-keeping and place-prescribing approaches. Actions will demonstrate how a place-based approach can incorporate NbS into the cultural imaginary and social life of cities. CONEXUS will promote visions of urban futures with nature-based cities and urbanisation contributing positively to reconnecting people with nature.
Implementation of Healthy Corridors in Porto
The project combines the perspectives of environmental, urban and social cohesion based on Nature Based Solutions (NbS) in order to improve the quality of life of the local population. The intention is to connect the eastern part of the city with the center by walking routes, small gardens, vegetable gardens, or other green solutions, make life easier for residents and attract tourists and visitors. Given the intention to implement new healthy corridors, the study area includes the most important strategic green areas (Parque Oriental, Praça da Corujeira, Quinta da Bonjóia, the municipality of Horto), services (schools, industry, health centers, local associations), as well as future projects, will soon take place in Campanhã (extension of Parque Oriental, Novo Matadouro, Monte da Bela). The Healthy Corridor design should formulate as many existing strategic areas as possible to be inclusive, reach more users and eliminate local fragmentation and disconnection. Actions are focused on implementing healthy corridors for the neighborhood of Campanhã through innovative and inclusive urban renewal, starting with joint construction and joint implementation of NbS with the participation of the local community.
Scaling up rewilding in the greater Coa Valley
Rewilding of the Côa Valley area: Natural and semi-natural habitats restoration actions of the most exciting wild areas of the Iberian Peninsula on a larger scale will provide benefits to wildlife including Iberian wolf, Iberian ibex, red deer and roe deer, all thriving in natural densities. Nature-based economy: In combination with some of the old local traditions and products, this new wild dimension has created new sources of income and pride for the region's inhabitants. Grassland restoration will provide benefits to prey species of wolf and birds of prey. Landscape heterogeneity will be favoured in areas of shrub encroachment and areas where the seed bank has been affected due to the recurring fires will be restored. These restored sites will also improve the connectivity within the project area. Stakeholder Engagement and Awareness: Seminars, peer-to-peer exchanges of practices and field visits will be promoted in order to disseminate best practices, inform about project actions and raise awareness on different topics.
Plantar agua- Forestal restoration of Serra do Caldeirao
Rehabilitation of underground aquifers in areas by the planting of native trees and shrubs. The aim is to reverse the degradation of the landscape and ecosystems affected by the fire and to restore their important functions and services, which are fundamental to the environmental balance and well-being of communities. One of the important estimated benefits is the recovery of more and higher quality water for all uses and thousands of users. It is estimated with the mature forest in 2050 that there will be a recovery of 200-250 million liters of water/year, a gain of about 20% in the amount of water that will supply the underground aquifers. The restoration work will involve: - Removing invasive species; - Planting of 50,000 Mediterranean trees and shrubs; - Recovery of riparian galleries; - Monitoring of water, soil and biodiversity.
Bird conservation in Lesser Prespa
Preparatory Actions The preparatory actions, form the first and most important phase of the project, as they pave the way for the conservation actions that will follow. The optimal implementation of the conservation interventions requires the prior conduction of specific studies that will set the specifications. Actions: A1. Assessment of wetland vegetation management A2. Guidelines for wetland vegetation management A3. Technical studies for the restoration of function of stream mouths A4. Feasibility study for alternative uses of reed biomass A5. Guidelines for responding to incidences of disease outbreak in pelicans A6. Assessment of habitat vulnerability to climate change to establish “climate change proof” wetland vegetation management. Conservation Actions The conservation actions form the main part of the project and their implementation is based on the directions and specifications that arise from the preparatory actions. They include the management of the wetland vegetation in specific sites which the relevant studies will determine.
Jezzine Reforestation Project
During this project 52,792 trees have been planted by more than 300 volunteers in a mountainous area of 80ha located in Lebanon. (Jouzour Loubnan, 2019)
Urbanhort Catania
The Urbanhort project promotes agricultural production developed in the urban areas of Cibali, Foce del Simeto, ring road and industrial area with various types of systems, ranging from conventional to organic, from biodynamic to soilless, indoor, farming and vertical farming. So as to reach the goals, the University of Catania in collaboration with the municipality pinpointed specific areas suitable for intervention in order to start the cultivation of the products. The selection of the products will be following the seasonal cycle of cultivation, by promoting at the same time local practices of cultivation, and cultivation will be done by local citizens willing to participate. In this manner, it will be possible to evaluate the productive potential of the system and the quality of the products, verify the positive effects on the city and analyze the costs. The aim is to reach goals such as improved quality of food provision, and higher-quality green space usage (Comune di Catania, 2017; Naturvation, 2020).